Growing your own herbs is one of the most satisfying things a gardener can do! The fresh scent of herbs wafting through your kitchen can inspire even the most beginner of chefs, not to mention the amount of money you'll end up saving in the end! If you're interested in growing your own herbs, these 5 dos and don't for planting herbs will give you a really nice head start and ensure your herbs grow healthy and delicious!

5 Dos and Don't for Planting Herbs


#1. DO Plant Similar Herbs Together

Save yourself some space and some time by planting like herbs together! Basil, cilantro, and parsley are the perfect trio of herbs you can plant together as they need more water than other herbs. Herbs like rosemary, oregano, sage, and thyme prefer a dryer soil, so you should think about planting those together!

#2. DON'T Plant Different Varieties of Mint Together in the Same Container

Most mint plants like to spread their roots as far as they can, and thus, planting different varieties of mint together is a bad idea. Plant peppermint, spearmint, and lemon mint separately for a successful mint crop!

#3. DO Give Your Herbs Enough Sun

Did you know that most herbs enjoy at least 6 hours of sunlight per day? When growing herbs, make sure you have enough room for all of them to receive the most amount of sun possible.

#4. DON'T Water Too Much

Most herbs don't like too much water, but rather, like a moist soil. Over watering can cause your herbs to dye due to root rot. A good rule of thumb is to insert a stick into the soil and if it's barely moist at about 1″ deep, it's time to water again. Herbs like cilantro, basil, and parsley DO need watering every day, but the rest are okay with every other day.

#5. DO Use a Good Quality Pot With Drainage Holes

If your pot doesn't have drainage holes, your herbs will eventually dye! This is because the water has nowhere to drain and the soil is unable to breathe.

Happy Planting!

Planting Herbs

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