You're no doubt familiar with turmeric and its awesome healing powers from skin, nails, and hair, to digestion, overall health, and even pets. But did you know that you can actually grow your own turmeric? And why shouldn't you? With some many uses for it, we're constantly running out, and there is really no better feeling that harvesting something which you planted. Today we'll show you how to grow turmeric in pots with our easy to follow gardening guide!

How to Grow Turmeric

turmeric rhizomes

Turmeric is best planted and grown in USDA Zones 7b-11, as it prefers warmer weather, BUT other zones can also plant and grow turmeric from spring to fall. Simply start seeds indoors and transplant outdoors once all danger of frost has passed.

Turmeric grows from rhizomes, just like ginger, and on the outside, looks like a beautiful, exotic plant. The best way to get ahold of these rhizomes is to head to your local grocery store or even your local nursery might carry some. Take care to make sure that the turmeric rhizome is 100% organic, and if not, you can always find them online!

Planting Turmeric:

  • If grown in pots, choose a large enough pot as the turmeric plant can get quite big!
  • The pot should be at least 12 inches deep and 12-18 inches wide. Plant only 1-2 rhizomes in one pot.
  • You should consider planting the rhizomes in spring or summer, once temperatures have reached at least 12C. If you live in the tropics, turmeric rhizomes can be planted at any time.
  • Break a large rhizome into several pieces. Each piece should have at least 2-3 buds.
  • Fill a pot (or, if planting directly into ground follow same procedures) with organic, moist soil that is well drained.
  • Place the rhizome pieces 2 inches below the soil surface with the buds facing up.
  • Water the pot thoroughly.
  • In warmer zones, keep your turmeric plant in partial sun, while in cooler zones, keep it in full sun.


  • Keep the soil moist and water regularly.
  • If the weather goes below 12C, bring your turmeric plant indoors. If planted in the ground, be careful as you dig up the rhizomes.
  • Fertilize once a month with an all-purpose fertilizer.

Harvesting Turmeric:


  • Your turmeric rhizomes should be ready for harvest in 8-9 months.
  • You'll know it's ready once the leaves become yellow and the stems start to dry.
  • Simply dig up the entire plant, careful not to break the roots.
  • Whatever you don't use, you can simply plant back.

How to Go From Turmeric Rhizomes to Turmeric Powder:

  • Boil the rhizomes.
  • Remove their skin.
  • Place them in a tray and leave them in the sun to dry.
  • Once dried, you can place them in a food processor to make them into powdered turmeric!

Happy Planting!

How to Grow Turmeric

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