These 5 herbs that thrive indoors will make long winters seem shorter, and boring meals much more exciting. Even if you don't have a lot of space indoors, these 5 herbs just don't need much except for sun! So before you begin this, make sure you have a south facing window that will receive 4-5 hours of sun every day, otherwise they may not be too happy!

Over the years, we've experimented with different plants and herbs, and finally found that these 5 herbs were simply the ones that thrived best indoors! Like I said, plenty of sun is needed, and you're good to go!

#1. Chives

chives in a pot

Chives are one of those herbs that thrive in almost any condition, and they just grow and grow and grow! They're also a great addition to any meal starting from breakfast all the way to dinner!

Sun: 4-6 hours

Temperature: Chives will grow in average room temperature and can withstand temperature fluctuations of 55-75 F.

Soil: All purpose potting mix.

Water: Twice a week. If not getting enough water, the tips of the plant will turn yellow.

Harvest: Cut the chives once they are at least 6 inches long, leaving about 2 inches from the soil. They will then continue to grow.

#2. Oregano

oregano in a pot

Oregano, another easy herb to grow indoors, goes great on pizzas and other Italian dishes such as stews and pastas!

Sun: 6-8 hours

Temperature: Average room temperature and can withstand temperature fluctuations of 55-75 F.

Soil: Oregano likes a sandy soil mix. Mix equal parts all-purpose potting mix with sharp sand OR you can also use cactus-potting mix directly.

Water: About once a week or when soil feels dry. Oregano is susceptible to root rot, so make sure you don't over-water.

Harvest: Cut the oregano stems once it is 6 inches tall, making sure to leave at least 2 sets of leaves. The more you trim, the bushier it will become.

#3. Rosemary

rosemary in a pot

Rosemary brings a great depth of flavor to any dish, especially meats!

Sun: At least 6 hours

Temperature: Average room temperature and can withstand temperature fluctuations of 45-70 F.

Soil: Just like with oregano, rosemary like a sandy soil mix. Mix equal parts all-purpose potting mix with sharp sand OR you can also use cactus-potting mix directly.

Water: Allow the top few inches to dry out before water, about once every 12 days. Rosemary likes it dry!

Harvest: Once it is 6 inches tall, cut the stems as you need them, but don't harvest more than 1/3 of the plant as rosemary is slow growing.

#4. Thyme

thyme in a pot

It's always time for thyme, especially when it comes to meats!

Sun: At least 6 hours.

Temperature: Average room temperature and can withstand temperature fluctuations of 55-75 F.

Soil: Just like oregano and rosemary, thyme like a sandy soil mix as well!  Mix equal parts all-purpose potting mix with sharp sand OR you can also use cactus-potting mix directly.

Water: Allow the top 1 inch of soil to dry out before you water again. Once it is establish, thyme is actually drought resistant!

Harvest: Once fully grown, harvest as needed, making sure to leave at least 3 inches stems to continue successful growth.

#5. Parsley

parsley in a pot

Use it in soups, salads, or as a garnish, parsley always comes in handy!

Sun: At least 6 hours.

Temperature: Average room temperature and can withstand temperature fluctuations of 55-75 F.

Soil: All-purpose potting mix.

Water: Twice a week, or when soil feels dry.

Harvest: Once grown, cut the stems at the base, leaving at least 2 inches to continue growing.

For more herb planting ideas, check out our Herbs Section!

Happy Planting!

herbs that thrive indoors

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